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A Trading Company that offers purchase, sale, warehousing and logistics solutions for cargos in different countries.
Founded in California in 2011 and headquartered in Miami-Florida since 2016, OTB is a Trading Company that offers purchase, sale, warehousing and logistics solutions for cargos in different countries.
When we speak of "Trading Companies", today we refer mainly to the Global B2B Traders, highly specialized in a category of goods and with a strong logistic organization.
Our great differential is that we look for products from different segments, in all continents, according to the needs of our customers, evaluating the best cost-benefit, guaranteeing the quality of the manufacturers, safe delivery and after-sales support to the end-user.


To offer our clients a competitive price through solid partnerships with excellence and professionalism in the services.
To be a reference for Foreign Trade Companies through continuous improvement, versatility in products, meeting the unique needs of each customer.
- Ethic;
- Transparency;
- Reliability;
- Respect for everyone inside and ouside the company.
Expertise in US and Brazilian public bids (meeting the requirements of Law 8666), with a team that has been operating for more than 20 years in this segment.

Bids in the private sector.

Nationalization of products, etc.
In order for our cargos, regardless of which continent is the origin an destination, to be properly stored and safely follow their final destination, we have a team specialized in:
- Storage
- Logistics
- Foreign trade

We look for products from different segments, in all continents, according to the needs of our customers.
BRAZILIAN AERONAUTICAL COMMISSION IN WASHINGTON2017 Project: Data Processing Equipment Manufacturer: Microsemi 2018 Project: Data Processing Equipment Manufacturer: Microsemi Project: High Performance Phase Noise and Allan Deviation Test Set with Ultra Low Noise FloorTest Package Manufacturer: Microsemi Project: Pressurization Air-Conditioned System Manufacturer: Microsemi Project: ACFT Radio/Radar Manufacturer: Pasternack Products: Primary Reference Standard Test Package and High Performance Phase Noise and Allan Deviation Test Set with Ultra Low Noise FloorTest Package Manufacturer: ART Solutions Technology LLC Product: SyncServer S600 kit Manufacturer: MICROSEMI Product: Fixed Attenuator Manufacturer: PASTERNACK and more...
BRAZILIAN ARMY COMMISSION IN WASHINGTON2015 Project: Melting Point System Manufacturer: Stanford Research Systems 2017 Product: SyncServer S600 kit Manufacturer: ART Solutions Technology LLC 2018 Product: SyncServer S600 Manufacturer: ART Solutions Technology LLC and more...
CEITEC - CENTRO NACIONAL DE TECNOLOGIA ELETRÔNICA AVANÇADA S.A (Brazilian National Advanced Electronic Technology)2012 Products: Membrane assembly electrodes Manufacturer: FUEL CELL Store Products: Diamond Discs Manufacturer: ULTRA TEC Meg, Inc Project: Acquisition of Tungsten Shields with and without thread for FDG-[F-18] transportation. Manufacturer: M&I Materials LTD Project: Determine the activity of radionuclides present in the production environment of Radiopharmaceuticals using dose calibrators. Manufacturer: Capintec Inc. Project: For the control and registration of radiation doses in occupationally exposed individuals who have access to controlled areas and with potential risk of exposure to ionizing radiation in the Directorate of Radiopharmacy. Product: Pen Dosimetry Manufacturer: Capintec Inc. Products: TrueXessory – PCM Sampler Holder with electrical contact as well as temperature and dew point control Manufacturer: FuelCon AG 2013 Project: Plate with probes for electrical / physical interconnection between tester and devices on silicon slides. Manufacturer: Accuprobe Inc. Product: Bumping Service in wafers of 8". Manufacturer: CV Inc. Product: Software Vivado Design Edition Distributor: Xilinx Product: Probe Cards Manufacturer: Accuprobe Inc. 2014 Product: Tungsten Probes Manufacturer: Wentworth Laboratories, Inc. Product: Mini Module Thermal Field Emission (TFE) "Schottky" Source for the Camscan Apollo 300. Manufacturer: YPS (YORK PROBE SOURCES) LTD Product: Waveform Generator Manufacturer: National Instruments 2015 Product: Probe Card Manufacturer: WENTWORTH Laboratories, Inc 2016 Product: Probe Card Manufacturer: WENTWORTH Laboratories, Inc Products: Dry Vacuum Pump, 6 head TIC Instrument Controller, Pump Display Terminal Manufacturer: Edwards Vacuum LLC 2017 Product: Rubber Tip Manufacturer: RSEMICON TECHNOLOGY 2018 Product: Probe Cards Manufacturer: Wentworth Laboratories, Inc 2019 Product: Probe Cards Manufacturer: STAr Technologies, Inc. 2020 Product: Probe Cards Manufacturer: STAr Technologies, Inc. and more...
CNEN - COMISSÃO NACIONAL DE ENERGIA NUCLEAR (Brazilian National Commission of Nuclear Energy)2012 Products: Membrane assembly electrodes Manufacturer: FUEL CELL Store Products: Diamond Discs Manufacturer: ULTRA TEC Meg, Inc Project: Acquisition of Tungsten Shields with and without thread for FDG-[F-18] transportation. Manufacturer: M&I Materials LTD Project: Determine the activity of radionuclides present in the production environment of Radiopharmaceuticals using dose calibrators. Manufacturer: Capintec Inc. Project: For the control and registration of radiation doses in occupationally exposed individuals who have access to controlled areas and with potential risk of exposure to ionizing radiation in the Directorate of Radiopharmacy. Product: Pen Dosimetry Manufacturer: Capintec Inc. Products: TrueXessory – PCM Sampler Holder with electrical contact as well as temperature and dew point control Manufacturer: FuelCon AG 2013 Project: Laser Machining, using this technique / technology for welding, drilling and cutting metals and dielectric materials with very high precision. Product: Nano-Translation Crossed Roller Stages Manufacturer: AEROTECH Inc Project: Acquisition of Chromatographic Column Stainless Steel Silica and Pre-Chromatographic Column. Manufacturer: TOSOH BIOSCIENCE Project: Use as barriers that prevent the transmission of a certain range of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum. Product: Micron Beryllium Foil Manufacturer: TOSOH BIOSCIENCE Project: Electron Accelerator Spare Parts Manufacturer: IBA Industrial Project: Acquisition of Tungsten Shields for Transport of Iodine-131 Manufacturer: M&I Materials Project: Precision impedance meter for measurements of resistance, inductance, capacitance and related parameters (quality factor, dissipation factor). Manufacturer: IET Labs Inc. Project: Provide ionization chambers with CRC 712M dose calibrators (activity measurement capabilities up to 80Ci and 800Ci), including coil label printers for radioactive materials. Manufacturer: CAPINTEC Inc Project: Acquisition of Tungsten Shields for Transport of Iodine-131 Manufacturer: M&I Materials Product: Chromatography paper Manufacturer: Agilent Technologies Product: Turbula shaker-mixer for bottle Manufacturer: WAB Project: Optical and optomechanical components for the ultracured laser pulse amplifier for energies above 1 mj Manufacturer: NEWPORT Product: Chemical composite, bifunctional binding Manufacturer: MACROCYCLICS Product: Chromatographic Column Manufacturer: TOSOH BIOSCIENSE Product: Isopropyl Alcohol Manufacturer: VWR Project: Acquisition of Filter Integrity Testing Instrument Manufacturer: AEC POWERFLOW Project: Steel Stainless steel with 4 propellers, Easy load head for precision tubes and Materflex Tube Manufacturer: COLE PARMER Project: Acquisition of THGA type pyrolytic graphite tube with integrated platform for atomic absorption equipment. Manufacturer: PERKIN ELMER 2014 Product: Sodium Iodide Scintillation Detector with photomultiplier Manufacturer: CAPINTEC Inc. Project: Acquisition of spare parts and accessories for optical instruments. Manufacturer: THORLABS Project: Acquisition of L-Anchors with plumbifero glass and Cabinet for fractionation of positron-emitting radionuclides. Manufacturer: RADIATION SHIELDING Inc Product: Oscilloscope 200 MHz Manufcturer: TEKTRONIX Inc. Product: Goniometer Manufacturer: HUBER DIFFRAKTIONSTECHNIK GmbH & Co. Product: High Power Capacitor Distributor: Richardson Electronics Product: Alpha / Beta counter for samples, with ZnS detector over plastic scintillator and portable neutron monitor. Manufacturer: LUDLUM Measurements, Inc Product: MINIFAST 04 FREEZE DRYER Manufacturer: IMA Life North America, Inc. Product: Mass flow controller Manufacturer: BRONKHORST Products: Optical Accessories Manufacturer: THORLABS Products: Spare Parts and Parts for Ciclotron Accelerator Manufacturer: VAT Inc Products: Electronic Dosimeter Manufacturer: Arrow-Tech Inc. Product: TEDA impregnated 20 X 40 mesh carbon cartridge Manufacturer: HI-Q Environmental Products Co Inc. Products: Optical Table and Translator Manufacturer: THORLABS, Inc. Product: Peristaltic Head Transmission Pump Manufacturer: COLE PARMER Product: Isopropyl Alcohol Manufacturer: VWR Product: PDM-122 Electronic Pocket Dosimeter Manufacturer: CONE Instruments Products: Laboratory Furniture Manufacturer: TERRA UNIVERSAL 2015 Product: Activated Carbon Filter Manufacturer: HI-Q Environmental Products Co., Inc. Product: Isopropyl alcohol Manufacturer: VWR Product: WFI Quality Water Manufacturer: Irvine Scientific 2016 Product: Mobile constant flow air sampler Manufacturer: RADeCO, Inc. Product: Chromatographic Column Stainless Steel Manufacturer: TOSOH Bioscience Product: Peptides Manufacturer: piCHEM Products: Alarm Rate Meter and Pancake GM Detector Manufacturer: LUDLUM Measurements, Inc. Product: Sterile 70% isopropyl alcohol Manufacturer: VWR Product: X-Ray Spectrometer Manufacturer: Amptek, Inc. 2017 Product: Tungsten Alloy Cylinder Manufacturer: China Tungsten Product: Boron (Elemental) Disc Manufacturer: American Elements Product: Nylon lock male connector Manufacturer: Value Plastics dba Nordson MEDICAL Product: Crystalline calcium fluoride sheet Manufacturer: Crystran Ltd Product: Monochrome CMOS Camera Manufacturer: BROOK-ANCO CORPORATION Product: Reflective collimator Manufacturer: THORLABS, Inc. Product: Mercury, cadmium, telluride detector (MCT-A) cooled with nitrogen at low temperature Manufacturer: Thermo Fischer Scientific Product: Digital Flowmeter Low Volume Air Sampler Manufacturer: F&J SPECIALTY PRODUCTS, INC. Product: Dose rate meter Manufacturer: AUTOMESS Product: WFI Quality Water Manufacturer: Irvine Scientific 2018 Product: 70% isopropyl alcohol Manufacturer: VELTEK Product: Shield Protector Manufacturer: Getinge-La Calhène Products: Deioniser Cartridge, Particulate Filter, Replacement UV Lamp Manufacturer: Fistreem International Ltd 2019 Product: Cyclotron spare parts and accessories Manufacturer: IBA SA 2020 Product: Display and Control Unit Manufacturer: POLIMASTER and more...
FAPESP - Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (São Paulo State Research Support Foundation)2014 Product: Anodic Aluminum Oxide Membrane Manufacturer: SYNKERA 2017 Product: Water Level Sensor, Monitoring & Control Manufacturer: Global Water 2018 Product: HMK-22 Fisher Sub-Sieve Sizer Manufacturer: HMK and more...
FUNCATE – Fundação de Ciência, Aplicações e Tecnologias Espaciais (Brazilian National Foundation for Science, Applications and Space Technologies)"2014 Project: Geo Ground Station Manufacturer: SeaSpace Corporation 2015 Product: Laminates Manufacturer: Rogers Corporation 2016 Product: Ground-based Ultraviolet and PAR Radiometer System Manufacturer: Biospherical Instruments Inc. Product: Residual Gas Analyzer Manufacturer: SRS - Stanford Research Systems Product: Silicon Wafer Manufacturer: University Wafer Product: Argos HAL2 Transmitter Manufacturer: ELTA Products: Power Splitter, Accelerometers High Performance Wide Bandwidth Manufacturer: Analog Devices Inc. 2017 Product: Hydrazine Manufacturer: K&Y Co. Product: Transmission spheres for interferometer Manufacturer: BOSBY & Associates Product: Optical Table Stand for laser head Manufacturer: Lasertex Co. Ltd. Product: Optical Filter Manufacturer: OMEGA Optical 2018 Product: Simultaneous, high precision isotope analyzer for oxygen (18O) and hydrogen (2H) in liquids, using laser technology Manufacturer: PICARRO Products: Adapters and connectors Manufacturer: ANOVAY Products: Computer program dedicated to the dynamic analysis of rotors (DyRoBeS & BePerf) Manufacturer: EMEC – Engenharia Mecânica Ltda. Product: Adaptors Manufacturer: SPINNER GmbH Product: N80 ribbon Manufacturer: KANTHAL Product: Integrated NEMA 17 (Motor+Driver+Controller+Encoder Ethernet) Manufacturer: LogicBus Inc Product: NEMA 17 Integrated stepper motor + driver Manufacturer: Applied Motion Product: Snap-action subminiature microswitch Manufacturer: ALLIED Electronics & Automation Product: Flange Input Worm Gearbox Manufacturer: Ondrives.US Corp Product: X‐Plane 11 Global Manufacturer: X‐Plane 11 Product: Positronic Connector Manufacturer: POSITRONIC Product: KN100 contour master Manufacturer: MAHR Inc Product: MultiComBox - USB Based Tester Manufacturer: Sital Technology & Hardware Engineering Product: System of data processing Manufacturer: RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. Product: Motorized Wire Crimp Pull Tester Manufacturer: DMC Tools Product: Teledyne Impulse Handheld Thermal Wire Stripper Manufacturer: TELEDYNE Product: Amplifier Manufacturer: Amplifier Research Corp. 2019 Product: Connectors Manufacturer: Amphenol Aerospace Operations Product: 3D printer parts set Manufacturer: E3D-Online Limited Product: Eccobond Manufacturer: Henkel/Loctite Product: Electronic items Manufacturer: ZOPPAS Industries - Heating Elements Technologies Product: Spraygun Manufacturer: Air/Electric Tools & Equip. Co. Product: Plasma Torch Manufacturer: Airgas Safety Products: ZTA Luminescent EL Display Programmable Digital Gauges, Single-Ended Multiplexer Module, Actuator/GP Switch Module. Manufacturer: IMADA, Inc. Product: Broadband Amplifier and Bandpass Filter Manufacturer: Mini-Circuits Product: Crystal Clock Oscilator Manufacturer: Sarnix Product: Surface Mount RF transformer Manufacturer: Mini-Circuits Product: Networked Multifunction Telemetry Manufacturer: L3-NARDA Product: Inertial measurement unit based on MEMS sensor Manufacturer: Inertial Labs, Inc. Product: Automatic Micropore Physisorption Analyzer Manufacturer: Micromeritics Instrument Corp. Products: Relay bus segmenting 28 volt and Twinaxial Bulkhead Jack Solderpot Manufacturer: MILESTEK Products: Microwave Amplifier and Signal Power Meter Manufacturer: Mini-Circuits Products: Spectrum Analyzer and Tracking Generator Manufacturer: SIGNAL HOUND Product: Digital Signal Generator Manufacturer: VAUNIX Product: Emissometer Adapter Manufacturer: D&S - Devices and Services Company 2020 Product: System of the Electric Telemedicine Network of Scramjet 14-X S Technology Demonstrator Manufacturer: SAFRAN DATA SYSTEMS SAS Product: Ferrite Garnet bars Manufacturer: National Magnetics Group, Inc Product: Brushless gearmotor Manufacturer: KELVIN GEAR Product: Servo Drive Board for Electric Actuator Control Manufacturer: Advanced Motion Control Product: Sewing Machine Spare Parts Manufacturer: Dürkopp Adler Product: Epoxy Adhesive Manufacturer: 3M Product: Kit Silicon Rubber Manufacturer: Momentive Performance Materials Product: Absorber Manufacturer: ARC Technologies Product: Components Manufacturer: Positronics Product: Wideband Igniter Tester with optically isolated RS232C interface Manufacturer: Amptec Research Product: Kit Eccobond Manufacturer: Henkel-Loctite Product: Software SignalStar Vector System Manufacturer: Data Physics Corporation Product: Flight Termination Receiver/Decoder Manufacturer: Ultra Electronics Herley Product: Waterproof Shipping Case Manufacturer: Specialty Cases Product: UHF Airbone Blade Antenna Manufacturer: TESTEM Product: Coaxial Power Splitter/Combiner Manufacturer: Mini-Circuits Product: D-Sub Micro-D Connectors Manufacturer: Glenair Product: Parabolic Mirrors Manufacturer: Holmarc Product: GNSS Constellation Simulator Manufacturer: SPIRENT Product: S-band transmitter Manufacturer: TESTEM Product: Rounded Bladed Antenna Manufacturer: HAIGH-FARR Product: Custom NiMH Battery Manufacturer: AA Portable Power Corp Product: GeoStudio Universal License Manufacturer: GeoStudio Products: UCI Test Block, Touchscreen, UCI Special Foot Manufacturer: Equotip and more...
INPE - INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE PESQUISAS ESPACIAIS (Brazilian National Institute of Space Research)2011 Project: Tape Polyimide High Temp Manufacturer: 3M Project: Computer Maintenance – Power Supply Manufacturer: HP 2014 Product: Meter Calibrator with Amplifier Manufacturer: FLUKE Products: SINDA/FLUINT, Thermal Desktop, RadCAD, FloCAD, Sinaps, SpaceClaim Engineer, TD Direct (formally called Mesh Generation). Perpetual Standalone License. Distributor: CULLIMORE AND RING Techologies, Inc Products: Aluminized polyester and polyimide film. Manufacturer: MULTEK Product: Residual Gas Analyzer. Manufacturer: SRS Stanford Research Systems Product: High impedance and high voltage voltmeter. Distributor: RCD Components, Inc. Project: Acquisition of a set of connectors for the ground-based electrical support equipment of the Amazônia I satellite. Distributors: DIGIKEY and MOUSER Electronics Product: Wire Crimp Pull Tester Manufacturer: DMC Tools – Daniels Manufacturing Corporation Product: Acquisition of heat shrinkable tubes Distributor: MOUSER Electronics Product: Voltage and Surge Current Measurement Probes Manufacturer: TESEQ AG – Advanced Test Solutions for EMC Product: Thermocouple Cable Manufacturer: Omega Engineering Inc 2015 Product: Multifunction Acoustic Calibrator Manufacturer: Brüel & Kjær Product: Standard Reference of Cesio Frequency Manufacturer: MICROSEMI Products: Precision Decade Capacitor and Resistor Manufacturer: IET LABS Inc Product: Shapal Hi-M Soft Rod Manufacturer: GOODFELLOW Cambridge Limited Products: Heating and Network Modulator Modules Manufacturer: AR RF/Microwave Instrumentation Product: Synchro Transmitter Manufacturer: VERNITRON Products: SAR Immersible Probe and Calibration / Fast SAR Probe Amplifier with Optical Kit Manufacturer: INDEXSAR Limited Product: Optical alignment cube Manufacturer: Precision Optical Products: DSS Series Breakout Board and Box with switches Manufacturer: Silver Engineering Inc. Products: Polyester Film and Polyamide tape Manufacturer: MULTEK/SHELDAHL Product: Centering Rings Manufacturer: RIAL VACUUM RESEARCH Product: EOS/ESD Audit Kit Manufacturer: 3M 2016 Product: Improved pulse generator for high power resistive loads. Manufacturer: GBS Elektronik GmbH Product: Tools Manufacturer: RIAL VACUUM RESEARCH Product: Radio Frequency and Microwave Filter Set Manufacturer: K&L Microwave, Inc Product: Optical Table Manufacturer: THORLABS, Inc Product: Pyramidal Horn Antenna Manufacturer: AR RF/Microwave Instrumentation Product: Current Sensors Manufacturer: LEMSYS SA Product: Probe System Manufacturer: IMPEDANS Ltd Product: Channeltron Detector Set Manufacturer: SJUNTS Product: 16x16 RF Electronic Switching Matrix Manufacturer: ETL Systems Ltd Product: S-Band Test Loop Translator Manufacturer: BHE Product: Paint Kit Manufacturer: MAP Products: Aluminized Polyimide Film, Aluminized Polyester Film and Polyester Screen Manufacturer: SHELDAHL Product: Optical Components Manufacturer: Thorlabs, Inc. Project: Polarimeter Development System for the design of the Solar telescope for heliosismology and field observations magnetic surface of the sun Manufacturer: Meadowlark Optics Contact 2017 Product: Optical subsystem for instrument SPARC4 Manufacturer: RAINBOW RESEARCH OPTICS Product: Fabry-Perot Interferometer with Active Parallelism Control Mirrors and Spectral Scanning Manufacturer: IC OPTICAL SYSTEMS LTD Product: Gold target for "Magnetron Sputtering" deposition system Manufacturer: Edwards Vacuum LLC Product: S-Band Telemetry Multicoupler Manufacturer: MU-DEL Electronics Product: Ultra narrowband filter system Manufacturer: Alluxa Product: Power Amplifier Manufacturer: AR RF/Microwave Instrumentation Product: Molecular Turbo Pump Set Manufacturer: Edwards Vacuum LLC Product: Telescope Concept Demonstrator Kit Manufacturer: Thorlabs, Inc. Product: Laser Measurement System Manufacturer: Lasertex Co. Ltd. Product: Optical Accessories for the Fizeau Zygo Interferometer Manufacturer: MPF-Optics Limited Product: CCD Camera Manufacturer: SBIG Imaging Systems Product: Charged-Plate Monitor Kit Manufacturer: TREK, INC. Product: Semi-Automatic Air Sampling Equipment Manufacturer: HIGH PRECISION DEVICES, Inc. Product: Full range pressure sensor Manufacturer: Edwards Vacuum LLC Product: Patch retention test tool Manufacturer: C&K Product: Custom anti-reflection coating Manufacturer: Meadowlark Optics Contact Products: Depolarizer/Scrambler and Savart Plate made of two cemented Calcite Beam Displacers Manufacturer: KARL LAMBRECHT CORPORATION 2018 Product: Diode Noise Voltage Regulator Manufacturer: Falcon Electronics Product: Monochrome camera Manufacturer: SBIG Imaging Systems Product: Bonding Wire GSA-50A100 Manufacturer: TopLine Corporation Product: Magnetic Coil Manufacturer: OSWALD Elektromotoren GmbH Product: Parvex - DC Servo-Motor & Tacho Manufacturer: Inverter Drive Supermarket 2019 Product: 1000 Watt RF Power Supply Manufacturer: SEREN IPS Product: Special Sewing Machine Manufacturer: Durkopp Adler Product: Glovebox With Gas Purification System Manufacturer: M. Braun Inc. Product: Ultra Rapid Thermal Cycling Chamber Manufacturer: Hielkema Testequipment B.V. Products: Redundant AC Power Supply, 10 Channel RF Distribution Manufacturer: Microsemi Corporation Product: Hermes 80 Gas Sampling Unit Manufacturer: HIGH PRECISION DEVICES Inc Product: Tool Kits & Cases Manufacturer: HUBER+SUHNER 2020 Product: Vector field magnetometer Manufacturer: KMS Technologies Product: Improved pulse generator for high power resistive loads Manufacturer: GBS Elektronik GmbH Product: Tencor Universal Profiler Interface Manufacturer: KLA and more...
IPT - INSTITUTO DE PESQUISAS TECNOLÓGICAS DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO (Institute of Technology Research)2012 Products: Submersible preamplifier for hydrophones, DC Coupler with power supply, Hydrophone Booster Amplifier Manufacturer: Precision Acoustics Ltd 2013 Project: Tool set for handling and other operations on ceramic substrates Manufacturer: Excelta Corporation Products: 6KW electron gun for single crucible of 7CC capacity, 01 power source of 6KW, 10 filaments of 700W and 10 graphite crucibles of 7CC Manufacturer: ThermIonics Laboratory, Inc 2014 Products: Climate Chamber with Integrated Vibrator. Manufacturer: THERMOTRON INDUSTRIES Project: Provide high speed impact tester on goggles and face shields Manufacturer: CONDAR Enterprises Co. Ltd Product: Underwater Vibrocoring System Manufacturer: ROSSFELDER Corporation Product: Precision LCR Meter Manufacturer: IET Labs, Inc. Product: Oxygen and Nitrogen Purifiers Manufacturer: Matheson Tri-Gas Inc Product: MT 20/960 pedestrian operated electric tug Manufacturer: Master Mover Product: Plate Thermocouple Manufacturer: PENTRONIC AB 2015 Product: Pumping System Manufacturer: COLE PARMER Product: Electric Scissor Lift Manufacturer: HAULOTTE Product: Electric Counterbalanced Forklift Manufacturer: CROMER Product: Dual Chamber Gas Analysis Manufacturer: GRECON Products: Neodymium Oxide Powder and Nd-Fluoride Manufacturer: HEFA RARE Product: Mechanical laboratory stirrers Manufacturer: HEIDOLPH Instruments Product: Optical Pyrometer Manufacturer: LUMASENSE Technologies Inc. Product: Quartz Glass Tube Manufacturer: QSIL Corporation Product: Mass Flow Controller Manufacturer: Advanced Control Solutions Product: Vertical Tubular Oven Manufacturer: TERMOLAB Product: Test Sieve Shaker Manufacturer: Haver & Boecker 2016 Products: Praseodymium Oxide and Praseodymium Fluoride Manufacturer: Hefa Rare Earth Canada Co. Ltd Product: Abrasion Tester Test Kit Manufacturer: Duncan Associates 2017 Product: Certified Reference Material for determination of dioxins and furans Manufacturer: Wellington Laboratories 2018 Product: Oven type “Top Loading” with vertical handling Manufacturer: TERMOLAB Products: M23 Glassware Set Ball Joint O-Ring + Kit of Glasses in Boroslicate Manufacturer: CLEAN AIR ENGINEERING and more...
LUNUS COMÉRCIO E REPRESENTAÇÃO EIRELI (LUNUS Trade and Representation)2011 Project: Strain Gages Manufacturer: Kyowa Electronic Instruments Co., Ltd 2012 Project: ARC 4100 Maintenance - Partlow Pen Manufacturer: Kyowa Electronic Instruments Co., Ltd 2013 Product: Low Noise L-Band Block Downconverter Manufacturer: QUORUM COMMUNICATIONS INC 2015 Product: Continuous-Wave (CW) Single-Frequency IR Laser Manufacturer: JDSU Product: Limit Switches Manufacturer: OMRON Motion Solutions 2016 Product: 2-Way Floating Ball Valve Manufacturer: Tempresco, Inc. 2018 Product: Amplifier Manufacturer: L-3 Narda-MITEQ Products: Precision Resistor, Transient Generator, Pulse Generator, High Voltage Attenuator Manufacturer: SOLAR ELECTRONICS COMPANY Product: Amplifier Manufacturer: AR RF/Microwave Instrumentation Product: Coated Fiberglass Sewing Thread Manufacturer: W.F. Lake 2019 Product: RF Survey Meter Manufacturer: L3-NARDA Product: 6000m depth-rated WH 300kHz Monitor LADCP Manufacturer: TELEDYNE RD Instruments Product: Pen Drive with security key Manufacturer: Yubico Inc. Product: GPS Repeater Manufacturer: GPS Source Inc. Product: Extensometer Manufacturer: Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik GmbH Product: Rotary Switch Manufacturer: Grayhill, Inc. and more...
UFRGS - UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul)2012 Project: Rock Alterability Test And Digital Press Products: Slake Durability Test - Gilson Company, Inc. Products: Digital Point Load Tester - ELE International
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